“How do we, as persons over 60 plus, reduce high blood pressure without the typical pill doctors in the Western medical establishment practices? I am on the verge as I am 65 with a reading of 150/90.” [0:03:51]
Well, I would say you have to take a systems approach to your health, your life, and everything about you. So, we teach the importance of hydration here. I drink this water. I do use the structured water.
I use the Analemma Wand and I structure my water, and we always talk about drinking half our weight in pounds as ounces every day. So, if you're a 200-pound man, you want to get 100 ounces of water. If you're a 150-pound woman, you want 75 ounces of water. So, that would be the concept. And structured water helps with the electro-potential of the transmembrane potential. It's polarized water. And so, if you go to YouTube and look up Gerald Pollack, Electrically Structured Water, I would ask you to watch that whole video. This research has been going on for decades. However, the availability of having affordable home little units that promote structured water, such as this Analemma Wand, is the website, these are the people who did the original research and it orients water on every cell membrane, and you're made of 40 trillion cells, and the lining of all your blood vessels has the endothelial lining, and the water lining becomes reorganized, such that instead of having H2O, if we say that my palm is oxygen and these are the two hydrogen, when it comes near to a membrane surface, it shoots off one of its hydrogens, so it just stays as OH. And then the positive hydrogen is attracted to the negative oxygen and it polymerizes like that, so it creates this lining on your blood vessels to enhance smoother flow. This is probably why drinking enough water every day is one of the best blood pressure managements you can do.
The other thing is, of course, being minerally adequate. So, you don't want to drink so much water or over water that you rinse your minerals out because magnesium and you trace minerals, and a good multi-mineral amino acid chelated Albion, any product that is a good mineral supplement has amino acid chelates to it to make the mineral water soluble. So, Albion is the company that does this the best in food research. And I would take the multi-mineral. Now, that's what we use here in our TLC Multi Min. That's why you would see us provide supplements to our patients like magnesium glycinate, and magnesium citrate, as opposed to the oxalates that are just basically sand. So, I would drink plenty of water. I would learn about structured water.
The next thing I would do for your blood pressure is to learn to get up in the morning so that you're in sync with the sun, earth, and day and night light cycles because a good night's sleep is important for blood pressure and restoration. So if you wake up at around 6 in the morning, and you drink a big glass of water, and you go outside with the beginning of the rising sun around 6:30 to 7:38 to 8 o'clock and you stand barefoot in the wet grass for two minutes, you're going to get negative ions from the earth and ground yourself, or earthing it's called, and this is parasympathetically relaxing. That sets you up in a brain cycle circadian rhythm for getting a good night's sleep. So, we've talked about water, electrically structured water, Gerald Pollack, PhD, watch that video, getting up with the sunrise and standing barefoot in the wet grass for two to three minutes to get this electrochemical grounding, but you also get the infrared light that you'll learn about in Dr. Gerald Pollack’s research on phototherapy and longevity and energy of the cell and just getting more vibrant. So, I try and drink about that much of my structured water before I do a workout because I do see an increase in my energy within seconds to minutes after I finish a glass like that.
Now, the next thing, besides magnesium or a good multi-mineral supplement, is exercise. Exercise on a regular basis, I would say weight training for longevity, doing resistance training three times a week for at least 20 minutes, 30 minutes preferably, and then doing a brisk intermittent higher intense walk. So, you'd be walking a normal walk, then walk as fast as you can for 20 seconds, almost to breaking out to a jog, and then come back down for a minute or two and relax and then speed it up again for 20 seconds. Do this for 15 to 20 minutes every day. And if you do those two things, that walk with little intense bursts along the way for the 15 to 20 minutes daily and three times a week weight training, resistance training, with your water, with your minerals, with rounding your feet in the sunshine in the morning, getting a better good night's sleep, and then doing a very low carb diet, cutting out the processed foods, packaged foods. Anything with a barcode typically I would be suspicious of. Just eat natural meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, and cooked vegetables primarily. It is recommended for longevity for people over 60 to become more like a carnivore, do weight training and eat breakfast and lunch, and learn to omit your dinners. So, the best digestion and the best healing occur when you eat your meals, breakfast, and lunch, and you have a very empty stomach for going to bed because then all the reparative work with your good deep sleep will take place there. So, that's what I would recommend as a good starter. Maybe find yourself a good functional doctor And when you call, ask them if they have experience, how many years, what have they done, have they gone to the American Academy for the Advancement of Medicine.
The next thing I would do, if you were a patient, is to get chelation therapy to improve circulation. And you could go to YouTube and type in type in Chelation Therapy Data Review and Development: An Inside Look and the doctor's name is Dorothy Merritt, a medical doctor. She used to teach or is a colleague of mine, and we would teach chelation therapy to physicians from all around the world every year for quite some time. So, she has an excellent video on how that’s tremendously valuable for longevity, heart health, circulation, and so forth. So many other things. So hopefully that helps you with that.
“Please discuss wisdom teeth cavitations and your thoughts on removal through biological dentistry.” [0:13:23]
Well, on the 18th I'm having one of mine removed, so I'm in favor. If you've had a root canal in the past decades of your life, and they do this 3D rotational kind of imaging around your jaw, and they see around the tooth outline a little clear lining around it, that's implicative of an infection and this often happens where you have a dead tooth with a root canal. So we try and tell you to take good care of your teeth. That's why when you come and see me, I do a full exam, including looking at your mouth 99 percent of the time. So, yes, I'm in favor of it.
Now, the question comes in, am I in favor of putting in implants? And that's a whole other ballpark. For right now, I am against it. I'm sure there are certain situations that need to be addressed. I'm not a dentist, but I think the number one thing to do is to remove the offending tooth and allow healing time for any cavitation. That's where that infection has gotten into the bone there, and that's why doing chelation therapy, high-dose vitamin C, and even ozone treatments of the blood with a functional doctor is very, very valuable. If you do have the diagnosis of cavitation, I would certainly try and find a local doctor who does ozone therapy treatments, and I would get 10 of them in the course of 4 or 5 weeks, roughly twice a week. I would do my chelation with a high dose of vitamin C and eat a very low-carb diet, take my enzymes, eat only breakfast and lunch, drink my water, and take my Systemic Enzymes, and take my vitamin D, and my multi-mineral rich in zinc, as well as other nutrients, magnesium and such, and that's how I would do that.
“Hello, Dr. Rita. Does ghee make you gain weight?” [0:15:48]
The answer is no. Ghee is the clarified butter and that will not make you gain weight.
“Many people in my business have been calling in sick with whooping cough or a strong pneumonia, saying they've never been this sick before. Have you noticed anything similar in your practice?” [0:16:08]
No. But let me put it this way. I have patients 25 to 30 years. I have a population that's, on the average, all senior citizens. Very few are in the 50s and 40s. So, I would say 65 to 80 percent of my patients are all in their mid to late 90s. Some of them are reaching 100 now. And what I've done with all these patients is I've made available high dose vitamin C intravenously with chelation therapy, along with a low carb diet that sugars inhibits the function of your white blood cell phagocytosis to get rid of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and materials. And so, I've taught a low-carb diet. I've put all my patients and checked them to have vitamin D levels that approach the 80 to 120 range. So, low carb, vitamin D, they're all on a multi-mineral or the TLC Multi Mineral rich with zinc, and then they're told not to eat late, they're asked to exercise and drink enough water. Then they have these high-dose vitamin C drips. And if they have any sense that they're coming down with a cold or the flu, we encourage them to give us a call and we’ll get them in even as a walk-in. Very often we can get you in with a high-dose vitamin C drip. We do take people as walk-ins who are not patients. They will get lower doses, but it's still tremendously better and more tolerated than you would take high-dose vitamin C orally, which would give you diarrhea. And I believe that's the reason why I just don't have patients in that so-called ‘pandemic’ with SARS-CoV-2. We just didn't have anyone hospitalized or get sick. And I'm the test case for it because out of the thousands of people we take care of here, not one got ill, not one passed, not one was to my knowledge hospitalized. So, we also do prescribe and never stop at the onset. I've made ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine available since, I think it was February of 2020, because in the military, my active duty years, we had used these medications very, very often, and they were known to have some antiviral effects. Also, quercetin. We use Seasonal Shield here. Quercetin is a powerful antiviral. It's an antihistamine, it is a mass cell stabilizer, it is an antiviral, and I've been using this quercetin seasonal shield, D-Hist by Ortho Molecular, since the 1990s, mid-1990s, I think when they first came out. I take it every day of my life, 400 to 600 mg a day. So, that is why I think that I just don't see these things because my patients stay well and do very, very well. And, of course, they know they can call me to get a prescription for ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine as well.
“Mammograms - are they safe and is it better to do thermographs and ultrasounds? What is your opinion and recommendation for women over 60 and all women?” [0:20:06]
Well, in order to practice medicine, there is a standard of care your state will require. Your colleagues expect you to teach the standard of care to your patients so that they have informed choice, which in America, in California where I practice, annual mammography is recommended for women. This then could include ultrasounds, thermograms as well, and MRIs of the breast, depending on the findings. The issue is breasts are made up of glandular breast tissue, glandular material to make milk for babies. This glandular material, the more fiber-dense you are, the less valuable a mammogram is. Many women have very rich, dense glandular breasts, and this then makes the mammogram maybe not that valuable. Now, I like ultrasound over the mammogram, but I tell the patient, and when I order it, I order a mammogram and ultrasound. That way we can get an ultrasound as often as we need if we have any little area we want to watch, whereas mammograms are radiation and trauma, which are two known causes of breast cancers.
Now, thermograms are a challenge. It's more of the Wild West there. They're trying to make this a disciplined, standardized, regular program. But I just have to say, of all the thermographies I've seen, they all come back with a statement, “See your doctor if further imaging is necessary.” So if you have a thermogram that measures heat variations, and thermal heat emission from your skin surfaces, and you're asked to see a doctor anyway, what good does the thermogram do? Just come to the doctor. Let me examine you, let me do your history, and discuss your family history and risks and so forth, and then we can do an ultrasound, and if necessary, a mammogram or MRI of the breast. Everyone is stressed about financial pennies matter today. And so, I'm trying to help my patients make their value from their dollar. So, I have at this point turned away from thermography as being meaningful help in determining breast long-term reproducible health stability, and I'm just sticking with history, lifestyle, the exam, and ultrasound of the breast, and if necessary, a mammogram or MRI. MRI is not radiation. And we go from that point. So, that's what I have to say about it.
I personally don't do any mammograms. I did one in my lifetime. I'm in my 70s now. I am at the point where I need to explain I live a healthy lifestyle. I drink the water. I eat low-carb. I don't eat late. I take all these nutrients. I do the IVs high-dose vitamin C. I do fasting and intermittent fasting every day, and I do longer-term fasting very often. I eat a 24-hour fast once a week at least, if not twice, and sometimes I do several days in a row, a couple of times a year. And I exercise, and these are the things that I do, and I am not going to present myself to this medical system and have them say, no, your cancer didn't come yet. No, your disease didn't show up yet. I'm just not going to present my body for all these. And that's my own personal choice. I have a choice over what I do with this body. So, I had one mammogram, I had one colonoscopy, and I had one bone density and they were all great. I am going to live healthily and not worry about screening for myself. But that's what I decided for myself.
I give the options to my patients, and I would say the low carb fasting blood sugar of 85 roughly or less, fasting blood sugar, an insulin level of 4 or less, a hemoglobin A1c of 5.3 or less, and triglycerides, let's say 50 or so or less. Always your triglycerides need to be lower than your HDL. And then I don't really care about your total cholesterol or LDL. These people, over decades and decades and decades, are my patients who are taking some basic, I use Juice Plus as a stable, vitamin D, and I use my methyl B complex. I use the Albion amino acid chelated minerals. I use the Digestive Enzymes in all my patients roughly above 60 years old to help them eat better. I have the A type blood people start Digestive Enzymes even in their childhood. And drinking enough water, regular exercise, getting up at sunrise, getting a good night's sleep, and staying active with this healthy lifestyle are my prevention screens for preventing cancer. And it seems, over these 44 years of practicing, I've had such healthy patients, such a low per capita incidence of any disease, be it heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes onset. All these things seem to, in our practice here, go away, and people live rich full lives to the very end with functionality. So, there you go.
“Dr. Rita, have you heard of the supplement Provitalize? My sister takes it. She has high blood pressure and cholesterol. She’s obese. She has lower body pain. I can't get her to exercise or eat well. Very sad. What can I do?”
Love her. Just pray for her. Love on your sister. And by loving her and things like that, that is the greatest message of you, have value and meaning. And when a person realizes they have value and meaning, then they take care of themselves more. That's why people who are married live longer. That's why people who practice their faith and religion live longer. That's why people who have children and grandchildren live longer. We have reasons to do better by ourselves and others, and these are the things, that and it all surrounded by love. In Corinthians 1 Corinthians 13, it says, “Faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love.” So, love, forgiveness, patience, mercy, and long-suffering, are the things that help people and help them see their value and their worth. And then just begin with something simple. Let's say, let's just agree not to eat late and drink some water. And then over time, an encouragement, you can encourage her to say, let's try and eliminate processed, packaged, barcoded foods and just eat real foods. And then say, would you go on a walk with me or even a drive and then go shopping in a mall? That walking has some value. So, those are the ways to help your sister and to love on her, and hopefully that will help her.
I've never heard of Provitalize. Let me take my notes on that because you, my dear patients, help me by keeping me sharp. You're all out there with your eyes, ears, and nose on certain products. And I'll look that up and see if it's significant. I have not heard of it.
“Hi Dr Rita, my husband would like to get off his 50 mg Lipitor medication he’s been on for 6 years. He is 65 years old. His cholesterol is 138, triglycerides 71, HDL Cholesterol 36, VLDL Cholesterol 14,and LDL is 88.” [0:29:28]
I would watch YouTube, and write this down, ‘High Cholesterol is Healthy’. That's the name of the YouTube. ‘High cholesterol is Healthy’. That's Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. David Diamond. Please you and your husband sit down and do that. There is a very small, tiny section of people that may, may, may get some benefit from Lipitor, and that would be only in usually men who have suffered a prior initial heart attack. And I don't know your husband's situation, but a low-carb diet is far better with exercise, and getting some EDTA chelation. That's what I direct my patients to do that are new to me as I try and get into their history, if there's any special serious prior history of heart attack or activities going on in that vein.
But you watch that video, and then you bring that up with your doctor and discuss it. And I am against Lipitor because we need cholesterol. Cholesterol is never the problem. It's our inflammatory lifestyle. It's our lack of water. It's our lack of exercise. It's our angry, bitter tenseness. It's our criticalness, bitterness. That stress cortisol will tear down and have a catabolic impact on our body systems. Our cell membranes, of which we have 40 plus trillion of them, need cholesterol, they need fat, they need protein. So it was never that. It was all this cheap, high fructose corn syrup, starchy, carbohydrate, addicting pattern eating, and dopamine reward center from this, even more reward than cocaine is in animal studies. So please watch ‘High Cholesterol is Healthy’.
And I'm glad that he's taking Systemic Enzymes. Get him to see a good functional doctor and start doing that. Get a cardiologist who will do a coronary artery calcium score, do the stress perfusion exam, and echocardiogram, and check these things because cholesterol goes up when you're injured. And most of us, I would say 90 percent of all Americans are metabolically stressed with too much blood sugar. Sugar is the number one inflammatory agent and we drink too little water. That chronic inflammation scratches the cell membranes lining all your blood vessels. Those tiny tears and scratches have to be repaired with more healthy fats protein and protein and cholesterol. And if you don't have that and you're suppressing it, you can't repair it well. And so, you'll have these damage points along your blood vessel. So, I am for cholesterol. There is no such thing in my vocabulary as bad cholesterol. Instead, there is bad dehydration from not drinking enough water every day. There are bad dietary habits of eating junk food, quick fast food, quick pre-packaged foods, eating out with high fructose corn syrup, drinking sugary drinks and syrupy lattes, fratte, coffee drinks, and all this foolishness. So, that's what's bad because we have no requirements for carbohydrates. We only have essential requirements for fats and proteins.
“What do you recommend for Morton's neuromas, which is an inflamed nerve between the 3rd and 4th metatarsals? A friend recommended ionic Boron (in dropper form) to protect against the shedding of spiked protein from those who took the COVID-19 vaccine. is that okay?” [0:34:11]
I'm not familiar with ionic liquid boron mineral supplementation having an impact on the spiked protein. Boron…I would have to look in my chemistry and biochemistry books. I believe that boron is a positively charged metal ion, and I do not see that it would help. But I could be wrong on that. But getting back to your Morton's neuroma, when the nerve comes down your foot to your toe, it splits to go on the inside of each toe, and the same with the vein, and the same with the artery, so that at the point where each of your toes come out, you've had a vein to split on each side, and then you've had a nerve come that will split on each side, and then you'll have an artery come up like to this one here, and then split to each side. So, you have the branching vein, the branching nerve, and the branching artery all in that little web space between your toes, and that's where they crunch, crunch on every step you take. And that pressure right at that division point there, and you have the same thing in your fingers here. These points right here are where you can get squeezing on the bifurcation of the nerve, vein, and artery. That chronic irritation of the membrane and the sheath on the vessels can be irritated, oxidative stress damage, and then your body tries to scar it over and lay down calcium and fibrin, patching, and then you traumatize it again from every step and squeeze between your joints all the time. Over time, that can create a non-repaired spot called Morton's neuroma, a little swelling of that bifurcation zone.
So, the things that heal it are the same thing that heals any part in your body. Fasting. A two-day fast, taking Systemic Enzymes five twice a day, drinking half your weight in water. These will immediately help you. Find out your blood type. If you have an O type blood, grains and bread cookies and cereal are all inflammatory foods. The dairy homogenized, pasteurized is an inflammatory white drink, white fire drink, I call it, and cheese is white fire bricks. You have to try and buy organic dairy, raw dairy, and cheeses. So, I would try and be a carnivore for a month and fast two days every week on high dose enzymes morning and evening with plenty of water, and you should see that pain in your Morton's neuroma go down right away, and that's how you heal anything from a hiatal hernia to anything. Your cuts, heal slower with aging. So, the more you're taking all these lifestyle changes, you're going to be better that are anti-inflammatory.
“I am 57 and use compounded estrogen cream applied vaginally 6 nights per week. I also take 200 mg progesterone pill 6 nights a week. I went to a new doctor. She wants me to apply it to the insides of my thighs instead and do that for 7 nights a week. What is your advice about the best place to apply the cream? Doing the DUTCH test in March. Thanks and blessings!” [0:38:11]
The dried urine test for hormones and stuff. It's a dried urine test that is done. Here's what I've got to say. I very rarely have my patients put estradiol to the inside vaginal area or inside the lips of their vulva because it absorbs usually very fast. And for those women that I have done it vaginally, I've usually only said do it once or at most twice a week. To do it six days a week, I would think your hormone levels would have been high for estradiol. So, it isn't a question of where, it's a question of what are your lab results. What is your serum estradiol level? And the same for your progesterone, what is your serum progesterone level? And you're taking the pill, so that's oral. And if your progesterone level is 4 to 20, above 4, and your estradiol level is at 100, or 150 even, I think that's a fine range and it's okay to do it the way you've been doing it. If your estradiol level is very high, then you're using it too much. What's very high? I think when you're getting up to the 600 or 500 range, you probably do not necessarily need to have that much estradiol in your body. And so, I would get a serum level with your doctor. And if it's high, say above 500, then I would cut the usage in half at least. Just use it 3 times a week instead of five days or six days a week, and find out what your progesterone level is. So, if you're having a level that is low and you're still putting it on your vaginal area, those are the few women that I've had to go with oral estradiol. And I'll start out with an oral 0. 5 or 1 mg a day. Again, then I have them come back, I recheck their levels and see if the oral is better absorbed. So, it's a matter of the individual clinical practice and what your particular needs are. So, you have to work with your doctor and find out what the level is and where you’re putting it.
“Hi Dr. Ellithorpe, I’ve noticed the vision in my right eye is blurrier than it used to be. I had a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) in December 2023 and have since seen you after bloodwork, your thoughts were it was caused by stress and exhaustion probably. I’m scheduled to see you again after labs in a few weeks. I will see an optometrist soon. Is this a symptom of strokes?” [0:41:25]
Unilateral eye vision blurring is not unusual as we get older and you've already had, you said, blurrier than it used to be. So you already have blurry vision there. These are things that can vary and be noticed more and more with aging. We need to hydrate, we need to take our Systemic Enzymes, we need to be extremely low on our carbs, and we need to exercise. And I would do EDTA chelation therapy. I would see the eye doctor, and have the eye examined. But just because you have some increased blurred vision in that eye does not necessarily mean at all that this is something with your brain and a stroke. This could be the floaters, it could be the lining of the back of your eye, the vitreous humor of the eye, the optic nerve, macular degeneration, or glaucoma. All these various things can be done. So, please do see your ophthalmologist. Please be low carb, drink adequate water daily, exercise daily, take your Systemic Enzymes daily and your healthy nutrients, and do some chelation.
“Which is better to manage, cholesterol: red yeast rice or citrus bergamot? And what time of day is the best time to take red yeast rice or bergamot: with meat or separate from dinner like at bedtime with no food?” [0:43:29]
You see, I don't think it needs to be managed. Cholesterol is not a problem in general. Now, I don't think I've ever prescribed in my life in 44 years a cholesterol-lowering drug like statins, and I've not had anyone have a stroke or a heart attack because their cholesterol was too high. So, although I have bergamot here, and although I do have red yeast rice, my other doctors here are the ones who really use them. I really like cholesterol. There's no such thing as bad cholesterol in my book. But it has to be on the backdrop of what is his insulin level, what are his triglycerides, what are his hemoglobin A1Cs, and those kinds of things, and discuss that with your doctor. What's the best time to take it? Again, I don't think you need red yeast rice or bergamot.
“I had a neuroma on the bottom of my foot and found that while taking nutritional yeast flakes on top of all my meals and B complex liquid, it's slowly disappeared and coincidence nothing else worked.” [0:44:48]
Well, the nerves are usually very sensitive as we age. B vitamin depletion, they're all water soluble. So, a good methylated B complex is a very smart thing to take, but that's in my standard treatment for all my patients, so I'm presuming that that would have been done. Yeah, a high methylated B vitamin, along with Systemic Enzymes, a low-carb diet, plenty of water, and EDTA chelation would probably be of value. Yes, you're right.
“Hi, Dr. Rita! Happy New Year! Are you familiar with the DUTCH test (dried urine test for comprehensive hormones) and what do you think about it? Thank you.” [0:45:45]
I think this is marketing. I have been able to do everything I've done over these past 44 years without the DUTCH test. When I worked at Whitaker Wellness Institute in the 1990s, we were looking at salivary testing and management for hormones, and it was way too wild of a result because the older women who are getting into menopause also have more gum disease. And when they suck on their saliva to get a piece of some spit out for these tests, some red blood cells usually will come from the gum lining and then it ruins the salivary sample into a mixed serum salivary and it's unreliable. And I feel the same way about the urine DUTCH test. If you have a good clinician doctor who is going to work with you you can connect with and discuss your needs with and look at your serum levels, discuss where you're putting it, and bring it in because there are lots of different dispensers and pharmacists now complicating everything. I just don't need the DUTCH test. I don't see that it adds any nuance and volume of relief to women that I haven't already achieved in just good clinical care and following up my patient's needs. So that's what I think of the DUTCH test.
“What is the simplest and least expensive way to reduce pain in the body due to aging and many surgeries over the years?” [0:47:29]
You need to drink your water half your weight in pounds as ounces every day. So if you're 150 pounds, 75 ounces a day. I would filter your water. Learn about structured water. Dr. Gerald Pollack, Electrical Structured Water, watches his YouTube. I would exercise, both weight lifting three times a week, and that's what I'm going to do here in a few minutes, and your aerobic two or three times a week. Do not eat late. Be largely a carnivore as you age and learn to eat breakfasts and lunches and learn to just omit dinners, skip dinners. Get a good night's sleep. Go to bed earlier. Try and get up with sunrise. Take your shoes off, stand in the wet grass, get yourself grounded, or swim in the ocean if you can, and do that for two minutes. Then take your Systemic Enzymes twice a day on an empty stomach. I take five at least once a day. I do it twice a day if I have any sense of aching, but thank God in my 70s now, I have no joint problems, no hip replacements. Nothing is fake in my body, adjusted, sutured, or replaced, praise the Lord, and I feel great. So, those are the things. Aging is to become a weightlifter, a carnivore, and eating breakfast and lunch and omitting dinners. That’s the direction to go with aging.
“My husband passed away a few days ago. Normally, my blood pressure is normal to low but it has gone up to 140 to 160 over??? Any suggestions for supplements or foods to lower it?” [0:49:19]
You're in acute stress reaction most likely, which is a sympathetic dominant epinephrine/norepinephrine mediated stress response. So, a lot of this is mediated mostly by practicing good parasympathetic activities and that would be grounding your feet, like I was saying, in the wet grass in the morning. Exercise is parasympathetic supportive. You could take magnesium and calming agents like ashwagandha, passion flower, and root extracts. But my heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry that you just lost your husband. So, I would encourage you to follow that blood pressure, do those healthy things, adequate hydration, exercise for stress, earthing, grounding yourself in the morning, and trying to get a good night's sleep. If you have faith and spiritual support, this is the time now to call on your church your pastor, and your spiritual friends and family to support you. And as a worldview, as a Christian, I always think of the people who I love who have passed as alive because I don't believe... and God said He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and not of the dead. So, if Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are alive, then those who I know who have loved and honored Him in the Christian faith are alive too. And so, I have this hope that is different than others, and I'm able to deal with my sorrow more from myself than as opposed to hopelessness. It's just what my loss was in not having them around to talk to immediately, but I will later on. So, hopefully, if you have that kind of support, you'll be able to see your sympathetic stress-mediated elevation in your blood pressure go down. And so, do have it checked and do those things. Our prayers are with you.
“Hello. Forgive me if this question has been covered. Does EDTA chelation therapy help with Mast Cell Activation? Also, I have finished 40 IV sessions and also use the Detoxamin suppositories 10 nights a month. Should I continue with IV chelation once or twice a month now? Thank you. God bless you for your amazing work!” [0:52:03]
What you need to do is work with your doctor, and look at where your heavy metal challenge test is compared to where it was months and years ago. And I think a maintenance of 10 times a year, once a month 10 times a year, is what we all need. So, all of us who have done 30 to 60 IVs should be doing about 10 per year because we're breathing in these heavy metals, eating them, and drinking them every day, and they are free radical oxidants that are a challenge for our longevity and health.
Will it help with mast cell activation? Yes, it will, because it's an anti-inflammatory thing to do EDTA chelation. Now, in addition to that, you could get a food allergy test and immuno-food allergies for the slow-acting IgG antibodies. You could do a skin test. We could do those here or find a doctor who will do them for you. Also, if you take D-Hist or the Seasonal Shield, which is the quercetin, at least 400 to 600 mg a day, these are all mast cell stabilizers as well.
“What are your thoughts on 1,000 mg of berberine per day for lowering LDL to 70? I am currently at 79. Thank you!” [0:53:37]
I don't think it's valuable because I don't care about LDL. There's no such thing as needing to lower your LDL in my medical practice unless it's an extremely rare, minute arena, but for the vast, vast majority of people, all cholesterol made by God was good for you. So, I don't see the need for Berberine to lower it to 70.
I believe it's more important, the older you get, to have higher cholesterol, because if you go home and Google on your internet ‘death rate and cholesterol level’. So, you'll see the death rate, depending on cholesterol level, the lower the cholesterol totals, LDL, total cholesterol, the lower they are, the shorter lifespan you'll have after age 70. Ask your doctor about that, but he never told you about that. And so, those who make it usually to good health and longevity and their 100th birthday, have cholesterol levels well above 200 and the same for LDL. So, I don't think berberine is needed for lowering LDL at all because I love LDL.
“Is the EDTA chelation you use in an IV or for suppository?” [0:55:12]
It's intravenous. It's the most known and well-studied effective way. I am the only one who really did any learned pharmacodynamic studies and used animals to use beagles with carbon-labeled C14, tracking the absorption of the EDTA molecule from the suppositories in our unique suppository formulation. And of course, the FDA destroyed me and destroyed the suppository and took it away because it's so helpful because I guess maybe they get payoffs for having sick people that make hospitals and cardiac suites so necessary and big dollars and big pharma business. But yeah. So, for the EDTA suppository, if you order the medicine EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) in, let's say a glycerin suppository or a cocoa butter suppository, the absorption is tremendously reduced from what we had formulated. We had the highest absorption transrectally. I thought I had worked with my team here to get the breakthrough, to make EDTA chelation available for all people of all economic zones cut the death rate from heart disease by 50 percent and cut the death rate from cancers by 50%, but no, no, no. We couldn't have that, could we? So the FDA made sure they shut that door up on us after I spent all our income and money here on it. So that's why if you look at me and the pauper level of life I live, it's because I've given everything in my life to the practice of medicine. Glory be to God. It was fun doing it and discovering who the true evil is in this life, and those are the people who don't love people because if you love people, you'll do everything you can to try and help them be healthier.
“What are systemic enzymes?” [0:57:26]
Enzymes are generally two things. You need enzymes for a trillion, bazillion, gazillion activities every second of your being in your 40 trillion cells. You need enzymes. Systemic enzymes are what we take like nattokinase and streptokinase. These systemic enzymes are swallowed on an empty stomach and they're absorbed and go throughout our bodies. So, even in your 70s, you can be loosey-goosey like me. Drinking plenty of water, of course, low carb, exercising. There are digestive enzymes that we secrete. When we smell, think about eating, and get ready, we start salivating, and these enzymes are made, and as we age, we don't do it as well. So, when I ate, I finished somewhere around 3:30 to 4 o'clock. Then I just took my Digestive Enzymes. So, I just took my Digestive Enzymes here after work.
That will help me chop up my food so that I can get more nutrition out of my meals that I would not have done in my 70s. So that's the difference between systemic enzymes and digestive enzymes. And you know, there are millions of enzymes and coenzymes that are the minerals and B vitamins, all the nutrients. So, that's why I give a methylated B complex. That's why I give the amino acid chelated multi-minerals. That's why I give the antioxidants Juice Plus That's why I give the vitamin D with K2. That's why I give Digestive Enzymes and iodine. Those are the core five or six things I give everyone.