The Topeka State Journal from Topeka, Kansas (2024)



A flno span of mules, harness and spring wagon, and a mare fifteen hands high. Will be sold together or soperate, Inquire of Krueiner 150 Kansas Avenue Apply at this of. 5031 nee. WANTED. Ladies to learn to cut and fit by the S.

T. Taylor Improved system, at Mrs. Fowle's. gooy 6U74 IOR (lne pair of black gelding horses for sale, six years old weight. (io0 pounds.

Inquire of W. H. Coiiness at Kan Juan saloon. 4i)7'J WANTED. Stone-quarry men wanted at the Insane Asylum, iminediatery.

6068 C. J. ROSEN CO. TIT ANTED. An apprentice Immediately at tv -10 Kansas Avenue to work; at dressmaking.

lj'Olt SALE. Farm containing 100 acres, all fenced and well One hundred acros under cultivation. Only four miles from city. Address A. Box 691, To- ola.

TO RENT. SALE OH THADE. A l.aiiib'.knltting TO RENT. A stone house with several office, or at llosworth and Itobbin's. 4825 rooms, seven blocks from the postoQIce.

51 Inquire at this office. IOH SALE. Farm for sale containing C52Jtf acres: 340 acres under cultivation 400 OR RENT. Furnished rooms to rent. Ap 511fl ply at this office.

RENT. House to rent- acres inclosed in wire fence, 175 acres in fall wheat. Small house, stable Timber and water. This farm is on the Republican river, and only SJtf miles from MUford on the J. C.

F. K. It. It. Has at present about 7.000 bushels six rooms.

DR. TEFFT. 6070 of corn on the place. Will l.e sold at a bar RESTAURANTS. in company with Senator Ogelsby, called on the secretary of State and stated ho did not desire his name used in connection with the Berlin mission, as he 'don't wish the position.

All the absorbing topic of conversation on the streets of Reading, Pennsylvania, on the 17th, was the closing of three banking houses the Reading Savings hank, the Dimo Savings bank, and the banking house of Bushong Bros. The first mentioned made an assignment to Hon. D. ti. Stetsoll and II.

A. Mulberry. Bushong Bros, will retire from the banking businessraltogether. Anticipating a run on them they concluded to close their doors. They announce that they will pav depositors in full.

Fort Edward Institute, Fort Edward, New York, burned Monday evening. Nearly two hundred students were in attendance and nothing was saved. The losses are unknown. The destruction of the institute is supposed to have been caused, by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. The students had hardly time to escape, the most of them losing all their clothing and money.

Aid was sent from Saratoga in time to save other buildings. Lots, $125,5 000 insurance, $90,000. The New York Commercial says the report of the outbreak of leprosy in Chinese quarters on Baxter street is officially contradicted by the board of health. It is believed the report was started by cigar makers to prevent Chinese being sent to New York from San Francisco. gain, can on or address ii.

w. Crawford, Topeka, Kansas. 4817 MEAT MARKETS. 1 P. ZIMMERMAN, southeast corner of Sixth Avenue and Jackson street, is per- POFFENDICK, the popular Restauran --T teur, No.

Sixth avenue est, one dooir from Kansas Avenue, Is now prepared to furnish meals at all hours. Oysters In every style, and game in its season. Eyerytning i furnished in the very best style, and those who know "Poppendick" will lind here everything they may d'jsire that is to be had In any first-class Restaurant. Special attention is paid to the comfort of regular board, ers. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars-at the bar.

"1 mantly located and will deu.1 only in the choicest of lieef, Mutton, Pork, Game, Fish, and every thing usually found in meat mar kets. -Always call on mm. 48.4 )ECK MOHlt6w, butchers, at the corner i of Seventh and Kansas Avenue, can fur of which $100,000 is placed; in New York agencies, and the remainder mostly in eastern and foreign companies. A report is current at Constantinople that the Russians made an attack on Plevna and were repulsed. The Pole arrested on suspicion of" intending to attempt to assassinate the Emperor of Prussia and Bismarck, ha8 been recognized as a forger whom the police had tracked from West Prussia.

When arrested lie voluntarily stated that he came to assassinate the emperor and Bismarck, but as soon as he was recognized, he confessed that his first statement was untrue. William Kellogg, prosecuting attorney of Knox county, Illinois, arrived at St. Louis on the 19th with a requisition from the governor, for Frank Rande, the St. Elmo murderer and desporado who shot Policeman White last Friday. Frank Hitchco*ck, sheriff of Peoria county, left for Jefferson City to present the requisition to the governor.

He took with him letters from Judge Jones, of the St. Louis criminal court and police commissioners, describing the legal status of Rande in connection with the killing of White, and recommending Governor Phelps to recognize the requisition. Rande will be taken to Gllman, Illinois, where a case of murder in the first degree can be made against him. Policeman White will be buried on the 20th. The funeral will be a large one.

Police headquarters and all sub-stations are draped in mourning. About $500 in donations have been made by the Merchants' exchange for the benefit of White's family, and other donations will be made. Regarding the long mooted question as to whether legal tender notes deposited for the redemption of failed, reducing and liquidating banks, are held as a separate fund it may be said that there is a provision of law which requires that such notes should be so held and as a fact they have been held, set apart, and made distinct from other funds in the United States treasury. There is without doubt, in the various offices and vaults of the treasury a sufficient amount of United States notes to redeem all such bank notes if presented simultaneously for redemption, but BOARDINB. nish customers with the choicest steak the market affords.

Thev havn on lianrl svnrr. tiling in the line of meat, fish and game in ALL at the AshbaiiKu House If you want to get good 452!) their proper soason. Give them a rail. MAZIO, City Meat Market, lit! Sixth Avenue East. Having returned to IRS.

L. .1. OLIVER has opened a Class Hoarding House east side of Mon roe, between Fourth and Fifth, one block east oi tne ruth Avenue Hotel. our old stand, we hereby give notice to all our old customers that we are ready to serve them as of yore. Choice meats of all kinda always on hand.

Look in. UPHOLSTERER. CRISTA HANDLEY, Meat Market ITS Kan-J sas Avenue, nest to tho corner of Sixth nl'GO FELITZ. the champion upholsterer. Curtain liaiiL'iliL'.

carnet lavinir and un- always have tho finest lieef. Mutton, Pork, Game, Sausage, etc. Everything niH) and clean, and all meats the fattest and best In the holstering in all Its details. Folita warrants ail his work. SMS market.

Pill DOCTORS. CU1AKLES WOLFF, Meat Market, Second Market North of Topeka National TKA3S1EXT ADVERTIsem*nTS. Three cent a line each imcrtiin.1 DR. H. J.

JOHANNING, IIOMEOPA-TH1ST. Has opened an offlne over Keo- Hank, Sign of the Itig Elk Head, has choicest meats constantly on hand, consisting of lieef, Veal, Pork, Mutton, Venison, Antelope and Game in season all fresh and nice. Try him a whack. 285 LOST FOUND. (red's, North Topeka.

Patients will be treated carefully. DR. Z. M. LANSDO WNE.Iiiysiclan and Surgeon Otlice over Rowley Rrothers' drug "IJMtED.

FRITS Kansas avenue, opposite FOUND. An overcoat, Saturday evening The owner can have the same by calling on Charles Reynolds, under Fisher's store near Shawnee mills. 5uti3 store. 40ii7 the Court House, sells choice meats or all kinds in bulk or cut up. He always has nice corned beef pickled pork, sausage, lard 1.

TEFFT AND SON, Physicians and Sur-- geons. Rooms No. 1 and 2, up stairs. Kansas Avenue. Otlice hours: E.

Tefft.M, D. aim everything in his line. stais LOST. On Monroe street, a celluloid earring. Finder pleaso leave at this office.

51)0!) from 1 toll p. Sundays excepted. U.K. Teflt, M.D., from 8 to 10 A. 7 to 8 p.m.

FLCL'R AND FEED. FOUNDRY. Sunday it to 4 P. M. DRTL.

L. WMTtnKV. Physician and Surgeon, otlice, Kant'iis Avenue, one door sout of Singer Sewing Machine office. WEDSON, wholesale and retail dealer in flour, feed and grain. 111 Sixth avenue East, Topeka Kansas, Goods delivered to any TI7ESTERN FOUND 11 AND MACHINE WORKS.

part of the city. COFRAN mtOMICH, Proprietors. DR. GEO. DICK, Physician and surgeon.

Office over Kendall's Store. 2.141 Corner of second and Jefferson streets, Topeka, Kansas. Cash paid for old cast Iron. 4740 A J. HUNG ATE, licenser City and County ii, auctioneer, will seir Real Estate, stock and chatties of all kinds.


A the Topeka Medical and Surgical Instl-iV stute, Doctor Eidson gives special attention to all female diseases, diseases of the head, throat and lungs, and chronic diseases generally. Doctor Mulvane has special charge of the department of surgery and surgical diseases, with all diseases of the eye mid ear. JL-L and Violin, rallied at Lawrence January loth. 178. Tickets, lor Bale at CODINGTON (E.) EARLY.Carpenters and builders.

Ouincy St. Job work solicited. news stands. 49U4 and neatly and promptly done. 115 CROCKERY.

BUSINESS. A special dispatch, dated Vevan-Kotch, Sunday evening', says that the fortress and city of Kars, with three hundred cannon, stores, am-munition, cash, fell into the hands of the Russians. The Turks lost 5,000 killed and wounded, 10,000 prisoners and many flaps. The Russians lost about 2,700. The Russian soldiers made but little booty, and spared peaceful citizens, women and children.

Gen. Milekoff directed the battle during the day. The Grand Duke Michael was also present. The former entered the city at 1:10 on Sunday morninj. The senate finance committee took no action on the silver bill on the 19th.

The continued absence of Ker-nan and Ferry from the city and several others membersattending committee meetings or the democratic caucus prevented a quorum. The house committee on elections on Monday exchanged views in regard to the Colorado case. An informal expression of opinion indicated the members to stand as follows: Iu favor of seating Belford, three; in favor of Patterson, four; in favor of reporting there was no valid election the remaining member, who did not commit himself. The Louisana case of Acklin against Darrell has been referred to a sub-committee consisting of Harris Ellis and Cox, of Ohio. The treasurer of the United States in his annual report of the operation of the treasury during the last fiscal year, makes the following exhibit regarding the receipts and expenditures; as compared with the fiscal year ending June 30, 187(5, that ending Juno iiO, 1877, shows a decrease in the net revenues amounting to $18,481,452, and a decrease in the net expenditures of the net revenues for the fiscal year was and the net expenditures were making an increase of funds amounthiS to It is observable that while the revenue from customs, lands and mis-cellaneous sources, has decreased year after year since 1873, the revenue derived from the internal revenue so called, has increased, the receipts from that source in 1874 having been $102,409,782, and in the last fiscal year, $771,180,304.07.

The total amount of unvailable money carried in the balance of accounts in the treasurer's office is as follows: June 5, 1870, June 30, 1876, 883. At a meeting of the senate committee on privileges and elections, Spofford and Kellogg submitted statements substantially the same as already published, which were ordered printed. iSaulsbury moved to consider the credentials of J. 13. Eustis.

After discussion, the motion was agreed to. By a party vote, the matter was laid on the table until the sub-committee of Wadleigh and Merriman should report as to the probable length of time it will take to consider the credentials. Geo. Black, miner, and Jas. Johnson, his laborer, were killed in the Diamond mine, Scranton, Pennsylvania, by the roof falling.

The firing of the blast was probably the cause of the fall. The Cincinnati Commercial will publish an editorial strongly urging Gen. Grant for tiie Perlin mission. Turks violated the Austrian frontier Saturday. They sacked several houses and stole cattle.

The North German Gazette of Berlin, commenting upon an article in the St. Petersburg Gazette recommending Russio-French alliance, says such an alliance would transform the present friendship of Australia towards Russia in hostility. The extensive rubber factory of LuCondee New Haven, Connecticut, burned Monday night. The fire broke out while prominent officials of the New Haver, and Nor-walk fire department were going over the building inspecting the new fire extinguishers, which had been recently put in, and spread rapidly. They hardly had time to gt out the lire extinguishers and other appliances, but were of little avail as the contents were of a very combustible nature, which caused the flames to progress so rapidly that all the efforts of the fire department could only save adjoining buildings.

Fortunately a majority of the employes were nut at work, 500 girls having at 3 i M. for hick of work. The fire started in the cementing room in some cement in use by workmen which was ignited by a gas jet, and in an instant the whole room was in flames and 300 men at work, and some in the third story could not get out only by dropping. Those who dropped were the only ones hurt, so fur as known, although it was feared some were burned within the build ing. The works were mostly of brick, and covered three acres.

Loss about 100.000. TIim company will rebuild: at omcc, and Meanwhile hiro other; buildings. Total insurance, W. FARNSWORTH, Importer and Dealer TIOWARD CITY, the county seat of Elk in Crockery. China, Glass, Silver Plate, 1 1 County, Kansas, now offers betterlnduce- xc, za Kansas avenue.

BREWERS. 1)111 LL1P MOSIER makes theTcelenrated pale Lager lleer, and delivers nuywhere In the city, by tho keg or barrel. Highest price pa Id' for barley. 1474 nients to those In search or a uusiiiuks location than any other new town In the west For full particulars address Editor Cuumt HUNTER BLACK'S BULLETIN. Howard Citv.


HOUSE AND SIGN FAINTING. HUNTER BLACK. MONEY TO LOAN on Hrst-class citv or farm property in sums of $100 to $10,000, 1 to fi years. Rates as low as any and no long delays. Gavitt Scott, Topeka.

Kan. Estate, also municipal, school bonds and warrants bought and sold, collections they are not always available in this office when redemption is required to be made. Some time last summer Attorney-General Williams, of St. Louis, brought suit against William McKee for a sum of money alleged to be due him for services in procuring a pardon for Mr. McKee.

A demurrer was filed, by the defendant's counsel and Judge Wickham of the circuit court sustained it, using the following language "Contracts of the nature of the one set out in the petition are illegal, as they tend to encourage the use of improper means to accomplish the object, and tend to interfere with the proper exercise of the pardoning power and are therefore against public policy." A Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, dispatch saya Isaac Powell and Dewitt Ettinger, alias Grove have been arrested, charged with having placed obstructions on the Baltimore Ohio railroad track, Saturday, whereby the train was wrecked and the engineer, Thomas Chitlow, and the fireman, John L. Thompson, were scalded to death. Abraham McDonald, one of the tang of burglars who robbed the residence of H. Ramsdell, near New-burg, New York, has been arrested.

promptly attended to. Removed to i(i Kan sas avenue. Toneka. Kansas. lifw TAILORING.

LAWYERS. SALDCNS. CA BOWMAN, Merchant Tailor, lias Re-J moved his shop over S. W. MeCollister's Drv Goods store.

liiiiiai r-aioon aim inu sas Am ne. Wm. Kietzmaii, proprietor. 745 ROTICE TO CCS RAGT0RS. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES.

HU. Johnson, Ex-Attornuy-Gencral, 7ILLARD DAVIS, Attorney-General of Kansas. JOHNSON DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, 183 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas, Will practice In the all tho courts of Kansas and Missouri. INCORPORATED under the laws of the CITY CLEHK'S OFFICE. I Topeka, Kansas, November 10th.

1877. Sealed proposals will be received at this of A State of Kansas. Topeka Academy of Mu Doe untill Friday, November 30th, 1H77, at four sic and Languages, Kansas avenue, Mrs. v. Amanda Washburn, Directress.

For particulars send for circulars. Fall term commences clock P. tor nuuuing city buildings on lots 217 and Jill) on Kansas Avenue, In accord Se pt ember Slit h. 1877. Jll.

MOSS, Attorney-at-law. Office corner Sixth and Kansas Avenue, over Rowley's drug store. 785 ance with plans and spcciicatloiis now on Hie in this office. Uids will be received for the carpenter work and material connected there S. 1IUOWN.

Attorney at Law, Topeka, with, and fur the mason work und material Kansas, 11)59 connected therewith, separately. All proposals must be accompanied by a written guaran MUSICAL. VTAR PARLOR ORGAN. These Organs have been tested by many competent judges, and All pronounce them to be equa to the best Iteed Organ now NOTICE. tee of two responsible sureties, that if the work, or any part thereof, shall be awarded to the party making- such proposal, ho will, within one week after such award, enter into writ The jury in the case of Bob Day, of ten contract to perform the same by the 1st day of June, 1H7S, and irive a bond of two good und sufficient sureties, to be approved by the mayor and council, for the performance of DR.

HERTRAM has moved his Vapor Rath to Isy Kansas Avenue up stairs, where ha ran lie found. Office hours from a.m. to Vi M. and from two to five v. M.

All diseases treated without giving medicine internally and guarantee satisfaction. Rheumatism, Gout. Ague, Scrofula and all Skin Diseases cured with the medical vapor. NOTICE. such contract.

All work to be under the gen enil supervision of the special building com mittee, and subject to the approval or tne mayor aim council, lne mayor ana council reserve the right to reject any or mi proposals II. II. WILCOX. City Clerk. A.

Quick, J. K. EUInwood, A. J. Huntoon, J.

D. Otis, special minding Committee. SOMETHING NEW. IRON cornice making and tinsmithlng, by C. L.

Svensson, (for eight years past with Rhikc At who is now prepared to make galvanized iron cornices, window caps, door caps, He will alsodotinsmithiiig In all Its biaiiches.and, having had twenty-six years' experience In the business, feels confident that he can guarantee the best work at low prices. Shop on Kansas Avenue, next door south of Stoker's, dive him a trial. "iX'i in PARTIES WHO ARE IN WANT OF A first-class Organ, Also, teachers of Music Schools, Lodges, and Religious Societies where there Is no agent, will receive a Liberal discount by addressing the manufacturers. Those Organs are warranted to be and to Remain perfect for five years. ORDINA A AND TEA ACCIDEN TA excepted.

Those organs are Really beautiful in style anil hnlsh, and the quality of tone and power unsurpassed. They Give universal sat isfaction wherever they have been Introduepd. Any farther information will be "cheerfully giver. Also, Neat Illustrated a.alogues sent iuke upon application. Add ress, Al.I.KGKll, liowi.KY I n)'.

Washington. N. BOCKS ARO STATICKERT. 17 C. ROWEN is just receiving his fall stock and will always keep a full assortment of school, mlsclebuieous and blank books, and Is prepared to furnish anything published -r manufactured in hi I'ne of goods.

BOOK BINDING. JNaslivilie, who shot and killed his uncle, Deputy United States Marshal Gibson, in a boarding-house there last summer, has been locked up for two weeks and is still unable to agree. A mob took Boot Alexander, colored, the murderer of Doughty, out of the Murfreesboro jail with the intention of lynching him. While in their custody he was allowed to escape. George S.

Bangs, of Illinois, formerly in charge of the railway service, ami afterwards United States treasurer at Chicago, is now in Washington dangerously ill. Pat Brophy and Win. Blakely. of Cincinnati, became involved in a quarrel the other night, during whioh Blakely stabbed Brophy, inflicting fatal wounds Blakely wan arrested. Henry Ruesell, of Zanesville, Ohio, son of Chas.

C. Russell, the banker, committed suicide about 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Cause, as yet unknown. The nomination of Gen. Ilaririn was before the judiciary committee on the l'Jth, but no "onclusioii reached.

The senate confirmed Chanccv I. Filler, postmaster of St. Louis, Alonzo Bill assistant -eervtury of the interio r. Rlank Rooks, ISIanks, Township and County Records of Improved copy righted forms, the most reliable in the market. Legal, commercial, and business blanks.

Hoad Laws, Bond Laws, Township Oflieers' Guid and Spalding's Treaties, 2d edition, new and enlarged. Seals, cancelling; stamps and litlio-raph work. Call on the oid house GK. W. Cit ANK.

State Row. "'I MORGAN'S PATENT HO AST! NO AND DAKING FAN. Received the Diploma at the American institute. on the Vacuum l'lan nearly air tinlit. For meals, poultry, game, bread, cake or puddings.

Arc. Will iiinke till meats and poultry tender. Juleos and flavor retained. Twenty rcr cent, saved in shrinkage. Thoroughly self-basting.

Hakes bread sweeter and lighter. Pays for itself monthly I Thisi Is not a cteam apparatus. Ail the above warranted, und if not satisfactory, money dicei fully refunded. Not a single bas 'been returned of the thousands Frild. It will fit any stove or oven.

The Invention consists of two pans, fitting together and fastening in a simple manner so as to be nearly air tight. The upper one is furnished with a ventilator at the front end to open and close required. Thoroughly Iliads charcoal sheet iron. It is so simple in operation as to be understood by all. Hy rousting meats or poultry in a closed pan you prevent the great loss by evaporating of over twoi.ty per root, in weight, besides r-av-in'j tlioee d-licioiiw flnvors and Juices, as they cannot but permeate thoroughly the STOVE POLISH.

IF IT 1A such bfird work to black your stove. L'o to liiake Halm's snd get a bottle of Hi iL'gst Uelohrndsky's liquid polish. It saves diir-t. work and time. Ten cents per bottle, and money returned if not eatisfac-pry.

4sijS T17M. F. HA7XETON. M. D.

-Physician and Surgeon, President of the Kansas tii-iil Medical Association. Attends to profru'ional calls and at, nil hours Ot'iee i'i Dr. flazietoii's I'a'aee Druar House, Silver SijMvveee Kana--. JSS PRI3ITIK3. ISLADK OFFICE I now prepared 1 1 Job printing of all kinds in thvery be- style.

The addition of a large cylinder press enables us to i he largest poster work Our presses are id! first class and our whole outfit is second to none West, uf St, Loiii.i. We make a special) of work for real estate men, and can their pnp'Ts better him! cheaper than aiM bodv. We refer fa the Hint" G3CFR3. IilHX A. LEE Dealer in 5rocPrie.

i'rovrs- meat or poultry wbil-t conking, therefore Instiiiir niory 'iilly than hy any tedious hand process. Th; 2 render-" meats and poultry tender and juicy, and furni-hes a delicious trravy unknown in anv oilier mode of roa-tinr. The arciit will call to solicit orders. Kefer-he Dr. Goodrich.

Or. Ktdglit, and Messrs. Peruiont Sr.eele.MinnleapoJI. I. V.

Mr. 'I'. Anthony. lr. Dr.

V. in i. andJo-'epo Val.aiit, Leavenworth. 4k)4 Sl) PAJ1PIILET printing the I I 4 vi- ai the iinl Ions and country produce. I h'.

and low Kai.ssis Ave. Iti-l I Col. IU ht. I. Vi on the 19th,.

The Topeka State Journal from Topeka, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.