THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY: 29, $1919. AMUsem*nTS. American Actor Famous Humorist The ROBERT T. HAINES LEW DOCKSTADER "THE And ONE His WAY Company In OUT" "THE In Satirical POLITICAL Monologtie BOSS" Play in One Act Nothing But Laughs A Rubio "Tho Bud Songs" Fisher of Bert Wheeler CO. Spanish Troubadonra Marie Stoddard Jitney "Troubles of Itualo of Old Madrid Songs, Cartoons and HUSAN BEN And HAZEL Caricatures TOMPKINS MANN TARZAN Former.
With Band Solo FlolinNonsensical THE Every Day 9:15 SEASON'S entitics SENSATION nnd 8:15 19 IT MAN. MONKEY LINK? OIL MIS9. Admission, UNIVERSAL AR novelts comedy it's ING great, 11'A a and norenm, nA An mys- 10c to Week $1.00 1a TARZAN tho world Sent One Film Facts ters guessing. Adrance Fate ENGLISH'S TONIGHT, Wed. FROIMAN Mat.
and Night in Ill Greatest Acting Itole OTIS SKINNER "THE HONOR PRICES. OF 50P to THE $2.00. FAMILY" JAN. 30, 31, Feb. 1-MAT.
SAT. Klaw and Erlangor That Puts Joy Into Living Gen, C. Tyler Present The I'lay POLLYANNA Cushing, From The Glad Girl, by -Famoun Catherine Book by Eleanor JI. Porter Chiaholin The World PRICES -NIGHTS, 50c TO $1.50. 25c TO S1.
SEATS READY FEB. 3, 4, 5. MAT. WED. COHAN HARRIS Present then Most Enactuating Mystery Eser Written.
"THREE FACES EAST" PRICES--NIght. 60c to $2,00. Matinee 25c to $1.50, Sente Ready Thursday. PARK POPULAR MATINEE PLAYS AT EVERY POPULAR DAY PRICES 66 "PLAYTHINGS" 99 A Dramatic Sensation--Replete With Thrills and Comedy. All Next Week- Broken Rosary." Everybody Goes to the P'ark.
CONTINUOUS: 7-All Star Feature Acts-7 INCLUDINC KELLY'S JUVENILE JESTERS and GLADYS BROCKWELL A Quintet of Harmony Kinging and In "THE CALL OF A SOUL" Dancing Youth. ENTIRE: CHANGE OF PROCILAM TOMORROW. PRICES Tonight. 1 TODAY- SHUBERT MURAL 500, $9.00. $1,00, Matinees $1,50, To.
MATINEE TONIGHT 2:20 8:20 750, 81.00, $1,00. and Saturday. Selling. George. Broadhurst Offers THE LAUGHING IN HIT HER OF THE YEAR SLEEP" "SHE WALKED By Mark Awan, Co- Author "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath," With the Original New York Cast.
CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE 10c COLLEGE GIRLS REVUE 20c RICARDI ACCORDION BAND, GREEN, TOKAYO DEO, SCREEN 30c GET 'EM ROGERS, HOWARD MIDNEY GRAFF DREW AUSTIN RCASELL, TELEGRAM MI AND COMEDY. MAJESTIC -Burlesque THE BIG REVIEW With HARRY LEVAN, CLAIRE DEVINE and LARGE CHORUS FOOLING THE "FLU" JACK, antiseptic FROST cream. Cream In a Inhaled dainty in tho nostrila It reiloves congention. opona the alr pasanges and courages deep breathing. Thus the system is afforded a more abundant supply of lifo- giving Oxygen -nature's great purifier.
Good for cold In head, coucha, croup, sore thront, etc. JACK FROST CREAM 50.0 IN JADE. AT ALL: DRUG STAPY! BURGLAR TELLS GROCER TO GET STRONGER LOCKS GREENSBURG. Jan. 28.
-The thief who entered James S. Littell'a grovery here Monday night and stole $30 and merchandise valued at $50 left a note advising Mr. Littell to get stronger locks for the doors. LAD BEFRIENDS TRAMP. ORLEANS, Jan.
Moore, 13 years old, touched by the tale of An elderly tramp, sought his mother's cup. board and appeased the appetite ot the old man. Not natianed with his meager offering. he solicited the neighbors and collected 60 cents and then adding him total savings of $1.16, purchased a railway ticket and sent the gentleman on his way rejoicing. Indiana Colleges.
INDIANA- At a morting of the Women's Franchise League of the uulveralty, Sire. Wondburn, wife of Dr, James A. burn, head of the history department, made an addres and the league waR working for the rejection of the Beardsley amendment for the enfranchisem*nt women, for while it the Legislature in accordance with the law, no other umendment. CAn he Al. though a block of amendments can be before the legislators at one time.
Sirs. John F. Barnhill of Indianapolla will ad. dress the next meeting of the tongue here February. Women of the university are well represented In the medIcal department, HA there Are eighteen taking pro-medic work.
Thin Is Target number than have taken the course In previous years. Among the freshmen studying In the bloingy department are tho Mires Baldwin. Zinder, Gaylor. 11vl. ton, Hedwell.
Finchholter and The sophom*ore medie girla who are Inc preparatory to their year of medicine Hm. Shirley Helen Busse, Mary Caroline Me Math. Julia Corilla and Mira. A. 1.
Miller. debate wIlt be held between Wabash. Franklin and lor Colleges, according to pending here. Fourteen men here responded to the call for debaters Turaday. Prof.
J. la Leonard will conch the debating AKErOcation. Five men who buah In contesta last year are In achool this Hull year. and They Saxon. are McKinney, Lind.
imel. Rollo W. Brown. head of tho' English pertinent of has accepted position an head of the English department ol the Harvard summer school. the Science -At Club the the regular following meeting officers of were elected: President, Joseph Mad.
dox of Cadir, 0.: vice president. Westine Lietzman. Clayton; treasurer. Emil yon. secretary.
Mabel Mintord, Carthage: chairman program committoo. Dr. Wroth. head of department of chemistry. CRITTENBERGER GIVEN POST.
ANDERSON, Jan. Wills D. Crittenbercer har been detailed an cav. alvry Instructor stop with the motor transport corps and here Saturday to visit hit parents. Sir.
and MrA. D. J. Tex. berker.
ile while will en have route charge to of San two divisions at San Antonio. Carter's Little Liver Pills You Cannot be A Remedy That Constipated CARTERS Makes Life! and Happy LITTLE IVER Worth Living PUt PILLS. Ganuine boars signature Small Small Dose Price 9 ABSENCE of the Iron reason in the for CARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces but most pale-faced people There Is No Excuse IT'S IN THE SUCTION. for any one neglecting their teeth when they can have them put into first-class condition at a very moderate EVERSTICK SUCTION, cost. We examino your teeth free and tell you what the cost will be for the work and ask you to compare our prices and quality of work with other dentists.
We save you from 75 to 100 per cent. NEW YORK PAINLESS DENTISTS Second Floor Corner In Saks Bldg. 41 East Washington St. WOMAN KILLED AS CAR SPEEDS Mrs. Marion Legler of Evansville Was on Way Home From Indianapolis at Time.
Special to The Indianapolis Stor.J PLAINFIELD, Jun. body of Mra, Marion Legler, 48 years old, wife of Louin 11. Legler, of ville, who wan killed neur here late Inst night In falling from IL Pennsylvania Railwny passenger train, way taken Evansville this afternoon, where tho burial wIll be held. It 19 not known definitely whether she fell or jumped from the train. The body was found this morning by the crew of (L freight train and wAs brought here and placed in charge of W.
A. Rushton, funeral director. The Hendricks County coroner was called and his verdict was that Mre, Legler died accldentally In falling from train. Hhe had been in A a sanitarium at Indianapolls and was on her way home when killed. Mr.
Lester and daughter, Mra. Bernice Opper of Chicago, were panying her from Indianapolis. had taken separato bertha on the train and the husband and daughter did not know that Mira. Logler had left the train til It reached Terro Haute. May Have Gone Through Window.
One theory presented wits that she rained window in the alceper and crawled out. A porter on the car aald that ho found note written by Mra. Lagler, but It wan not algned. It stated that It was her desire to dood 11 picce of property she owned in Cincinnati to Louts Legler, her son. The note snid that the property was near the Jewish Club in Cincinnati.
Mr. Legler and his daughter, Mrs. Opper, carne here from Terre Haute and made for sending the body to Evansville. The family been prominent at Evansville for many years. HUSBAND IS BANKER.
EVANSVILLE, Jan. Marion Legler, who WILH killed carly today when sho fell from fL Pennaylvanta train near Pinindeld, was a promInent woman of Evannville, Her band, Louts 11. Legler, was for two term: auditor of Vanderburg County and 19 the secretary of the P'eople'R Savings Bank here. It. In expected that the funeral will be held bere Thursday afternoon.
Her husband went to Indianapolla Sunday to bring her home. AR Ale had expressed desire to bo with her family. Bealdes the husband, five children survive, an follows: Warren R. Legler, Terro Haute. Louls Lesler atudent nt Indiana Univernty; Mrs.
Bernice: Opper, Chicago; Mra. Robert W. Viche and Mina Juanita Logler, Evansville. ATTENDANTS ARE SURPRISED. Mra.
Legler had been at Sterhe'a Sanitaridin, 1820 Enst Tenth about two months for treatment for nervous disease, and nttendanta there were surprised yesterday 10 learn of her having been killed near Plainfield. Sho had not suffered any depression. It war auld, and apparently had not worried greatly about anything other than her non'a service in the army. Deaths in Indiana. New York city, way buried here today.
The pallbearers were local gallors follows: It. Clevenger, Fred R. Turner. Gregory R. Hendrick, Charles Johnson, V.
G. Griffith and Forrest Trembly, Lyde Holy, 67 vears old, formerly it school tencher here. died In an Indianapolis hospital hero Monday for night. burial. The She la body was survived brought sister, Mias Amolla Holby of Mirneapolla, and two brothers, Hal of Aberdeen, S.
and Frank Holby of Einorn, Ind. SHELBY -The funeral of John B. Hardebeck, 74 years old, who died of pneumonia at Indlanapolis, will be held In this city. Leonis H. Eltel, 28 years old, died at the home her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Eltel. of tuberculosis, Tho body will be burled at Indianapolis. William Lee, 80 years old. died at the home of his nephow.
Albert Daggy. Mra. John Sears, 60 years old, died at her home west of this city of apoplexy. DECATUR-Frank Mr. A.
20 years old, son of and Mra. Will Moeschberger, died of pneumonia. in dend. She was member of the First Presbyterian Church thirty-seven years. Three brothers survive.
Stella Bugher, 25 years old, in dead at her home in this city. Theodore Shelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shelly, IN dead of Orcar VanMcter, 17 years old, ditca of pneumonia contracted while hie mother was Ill of tho malady. Sho died a few weeks DRO.
Sarah I 80 years old. la dead. Samuel Holden, 81 yenra old, died at the Reaman. home of hia daughter, Mrx. Ellen CLAY CITY--MrA.
Charica Brothers, 15 years old, Is dead. CENTER POINT Nellie Olendorf, 21 years daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olendorf, died of pneumonia. HARMONY Mary Frazier.
years old. died of pneumonia. Her husband and two children aurvive. 12-year-old daughter of Otto Floyd, died of pneumonia. Mrs.
Nancy Bannen, 51 years old. is dead here. Two daughtors and three EOnS survive. Ira Poston, a civil war veteran, In dead. His widow, two daughters and one son survive.
Goodpasture, 63 years old, Is dead at his home at Medora. A widow and seven children aurvive. Clarence T. Hunsucker, 26 years old. died here of pneumonia.
His widow and one eon survive. Rev. Lawrence Jones, 9. years old, died at of his niece, Dr. Adah MeMahan.
He was one of the oldest M. E. ministers and formerly resided at Huntington where the body was sent Tuesday for burial. The widow and one daughter, Mra. John Freeman of Indianapolls, survive.
COLUMBUS-The body of Chief Yeomati Edward R. Swain of the navy. HON of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Swain of Pike's Peak. Brown County, who died "CITY. HOGS" WORTH $2.500. SEYMOUR, Jan. ordinance passed by City Council in the spring of 1918 permitting the raisIng of hogs within the city limits is estimated to have resulted In an creased pork production In Jackson County by at least 15,000 pounds.
The ordinance war passed as food meagure. Sixty -seven permits to raise hogs were Issued and more than 100 porkers were fed. They were valued at $2,500. The ordinance probably will be continued nnother year. DIES ABOARD SHIP OF FLU.
ROCHESTER, Jan. -Word was received today of the death at sea on Jan. 10 of Will Louderback. 43 years old. son of Sire.
Martha Louderhack of Rochester. He WAN returning from China on the steamer Royal Arrow. died of innu. unza and was buried at sea. CASTORIA For Infants and Childron In Use For Over 30 Years Always Loan the of Hi THEATERS.
"She Walked. In Her Bicep" NOTES OF THE STAGE. Skinner in "The Honor of the Family" Park "Playthings" Keith's Vaudeville Lyrie Rialto Vaudeville Majestio Burlesque "Pollyanna" has already given the public three child stara. The Arst Patricia Collinge, who originated the clad girl and 1a now the miar of "Till1o" In New York. Next carne Helen Hayes, who, with William Gillette In "Dear Brutur," ham racolved the highest, praise from the critics of the new drama.
Claire tier. will soon now have playing her name Pollyanna on the elecWhit- trie sign if dramatic critician counta, Her performance han heen commented on by in all the larger Fantorn and middle Went citter, and Judging from what han been C. the producer of "Pollyanna," another "comer." Sho will be seen at English's the Inat thren daya of thin week, mencine Thursday night. The success of Mark Swan's lively farce, "She Walked In Her Sloep," now current nt the with matinees Wadneaday and Haturday. has Induced the producer, George Broadburst, himself An ndept nt farce writing, to disclose nome of his views on that subject.
"A farce la delicate thing." Broadhurat. "It has not atrong conatitution. It Is bundle or nerves and the leant little thing that ROM WrOnK IA the melodrama of comedy. It in the most dimeult form nf Writing farce la really bard work, calcula. tennined brain work and careful tion.
"Not only is farce the mont dimcult form of drama to write, but It la the most Ailllrult form of drama to act. It quirea more akill, sincerity, technique and Dep 011 the part of the actor to mako A in force than it does in the drama, I think that the public appreciates All this, for once that farco 0n tablished MICCORA, there is no end to Its drawing powers." The fact that today the publio to given two more, and the last, chances they will ever have to Are Ane and finished a piece of acting the American stage can bonst should bring two crowded hourA 10 Engliah'a for. the concluding performances of Otha Skinner In "The Honor the Family." Aside from tho delightfulness of the star'a Bridal, ot Col. Philippe whoin production charmingly reproduces the the provincial French atmosphere of late Napolconic era, and the comedy ham three dimensional muhatantiality that 1s akin to the novelr of Balzac, from ono of which its story is taken. Leola Davis, who plays the part of little shop girl In tho melodrama, "Playat the Park.
19 faddist no rehair ornamenta. Jinn most collection of combs. pins and decorationn for tho hair. One in ticular an ancient and heavy affair. which fantoned by incann nt cinap.
nbrl 1. the gift of her grandmother. today morning thin ornament almont caused her injury. She boarded strect car to call on somno friends in the north part of the city. Leaning back againat the car door.
the pin becamo caught. Suddenly tho car AnVe quirk Jerk and Mix Davis was held hard and fast by the strong ornament In her hair. With tho of the conductor and some anon passengers, whe was releaaod. "Three PACeR la the Intriguing titio of tho now play which Cohan Harris will present at Feb. dive story, All the whether world it is loves told 1 In good book detecor on the stage, and in "Three Faces East' Anthony Paul Kelly has woven A tale of accret service that 18 maid to bing tense drama, romance and adventure In seriog of thrilling episodes that will hold your mpellbound attention from to final curtaln.
Lillian Tucker and Paul Everton play the lending parts in the company to bo bere. Malcolm Dunn, who In supporting Robert T. Ininon In the one-net play, "The One Way Out," nt R. F. Theater this work.
110 stranger to Indianapolla theutergners. Only this month he WAR at the Shubert-Murat Theater with ROse Cochian In "The Man Who Stayed at playing the principal Gernin any, Mr. Dunn also wan featured In the or which WiL at the Mural carly Inst Acaron. This is him Arrt vaudeville experience and ho Is fortunate to Sir. aArociated with much an ablo actor Haines, Rogera, the colored comedian ft the Lyric this week.
bricklayer by trade and is known in theatrieal circles nA "the dancing er." horn 1s in New Haven, and ho made him debut nn the stage der peculiar circ*mstances. He was ployed In doing minor construction work on Poll' theater building in hia homa town, And through overhearing conversation between tho hands, he learned that the his manager bill. needed Rogers an vol. ex tra act to completo unteered joke, him put him services, on. and To the tho surprise manager.
of everybody around the theater he 1FAA hit. and ho bAn been on the mage Ho docan't take chances of not having steady work, howaver. In carrier him bricklaying vaudeville along with engagement him 1-n' and whenever forthcoming ho rallies forth union card and gots A job slinging brick and mortar. At the Rialto for the last tines today Kelly's "Juvenile Jesters" singing will and lend comedy, their youth the and Three spirita Eddy to Sisters, In and ROng dance numbers: the clever dancing ol Keene and Francis. and the character fun nf Wallace and Irwin.
The Wahlund open the bill with aerial and tho feature in Gladys Brockwell In act photopiay, "The Call of the Soul," An unusual story pl mother love. In which the sercon star exhibits her well-known emotional abilities. The vaudeville bill and the cincina program will ho changed entirely tomorrow. In the person of Hickey now at the with "The Big flovue," the burlesque world has one draw of crowds those rare comedians who would in any Levan 1A 8 little miar. hut him pinyhouse of every fortn nt twinkle In brighter than many remains more the luminaries.
He at Majestic all weak. TERRE HAUTE CONTEMPT CASE RESUMED TODAY TERRE HAUTE, Jan. of the restraining violating, order, which they are charged with probably will he the plea of three defendants In the achool board case--John R. HarkMP89, Henry F. Schmidt and Andrew O' Mara- the proceedings in the case, In which they are charged with contempt of court.
for ousting George Greenleaf from his seat as school trustee, are resumed here tomorrow before Judgo John E. Cox in Superior Court. An answer to the rule to show why tempt of court probably will. be fled nt they should not be punished for conthat time by tho defendant of Henry County had declared vold the ordinance redistricting the city Into seven wards and making room for five new councilmen, City Attorney O'Nelll stated that the defenso probably would appeal to the Indiana Supreme Court. lie said that members of the Council named under the decision would have to surrender their pincer.
Mayor Black called the Councll gother tonight to reorganizo the board of works. George fitz was named to succeed I. J. Reuter on the board. ANDERSON ORDINANCE VOID.
ANDERSON, Jan. tho announcement that Judge Gaus BEN-HURS START DRIVE. CRAWFORDSVILLE. Jan. nation-wide membership campaign.
has been launched the Tribe of Ben-Hur, fraternal organization. In celebration of the twenty-nith anniversary of the order. hoped to obtain 25,000 new members. Simonides No. 1.
the first chapter of the organization. was founded In this city March 1894, with a charter enrollment of 500 members. Tho organization. with Its national headquarters in this city. 1: today represented In thirty-cicht stes has rembership of more than 100,000.
HORSE SHOES IN SUIT CASE. COLUMBIA CITY. Jan. Lcoh Rupley and Marshal Web caught up with Charles a McCoy of CocAKe, who was carrying suitcase loaded with something heavy. The officera thought ho might be the carrying liquor, but when they opened suitcase they vere Mfr.
SicCoy to was pleased to know that he dismayed And it Oiled with horseshora. craned telne arreated and horseshoe stated that he would always carry a with him in the future. LOCATION FOR HOSPITAL. RUSHVILLE. Jan.
-The posed Rush County hospital. if it Feb. la proved at the mpecial election, will be located on the alte of the Rush County of Fair Grounds, according to today an der the county comm at A meeting. catimated cost 18 $100,000. SHOOTS SON IN ARM.
LAPORTE. Jan. Kersch. 75 years old. a farmer, 1A under feat un charge of having shot his son Joseph.
30 years old, in the arm, following dispute. It may he necessary to late the young man's arm VALUABLE FARM GIVEN TO PURDUE W. E. Pinney, Valparaiso Banker, Surprises Trustees--All for to The Indianapolis LAFAYETTE, Jan. a special meeting of the trustece of Purduo Univeraity here todny, W.
E. Pinney of Valparaiso, offered to the univoralty gift of farm and other landa near Wanutah, ninounting to about 460 ncrem, with an catimated value $55,000. Mr. Pinney, a Valparaiso banker, In making promote the the gift, In- la netunted by a desire to teresta of better farming and better home life on tho farms. The trustees accepted the gift, Ing In conalderation thereof permanently to manage and control tho property for the purposes apecined.
The gift 1a In line with previous donations by Moses Dunn of Bedford and Martha Davis of Randolph County, for alinilar purposes, thus establishing in separate parts of the state forming centers, where the univeralty may, by conducting demonstrations and experlmento, bring to these localities visible evidence of progressive and acientific farming. Gift Unexpected. Appropriate resolutions were adopted In acknowledgement to Mr. Pinney, whoso gift win wholly unexpected and unsolicited. The board also npproved plans for various farm buildings and Instructed the building committee to propare specifications for their construction.
Testimoniala and gratultica were voted to Dean J. HI. Skinner and Jack Douglas, herdamen at the Purdue farin, in recognition of the nchivements of the animal husbandry department at the Internationni Live Stock Show last Decomber. In recognition of the services of the Inte Prof. Michaol Golden to the university and the department of tical mechanics, the board voted to formally, bestow his name upon the practical mechanica bullding.
BULL, MAN AND CANINE FIGHT; BOVINE IS KILLED VALPARAISO, Jan. Willett wan knocked down this after10011 by an enraged bull at hia form and probably would have suffered severe injurles but for his dog. Tho canine attacked the animal and hold it at bay while Mr. Willett escaped to the house. Mr.
Willett then obtained a shotgun and killed the bull. HOSEA H. RISTINE DEAD. CRAWFORDSVILLE, Jan. Hosea Humphrey Itistine, 72 years old, attorney and business man, died at his home here today of heart disease.
He had been lIl only 8 short time. Mr. Riatine was one of the most popular men of this city and had a reputation as an attorney and buginess man. lie was president of the Indiana Match Company, president of the tral Stute Life Insurance Company. president of the Crawfordsville Heating Company.
To WIS vice president of tho Elton National Bank of this city and director of the Crawfordsvillo Wire and Nail MIll. Mr. Ristine WAR born In thin city. He was graduated from Wabash College In 1863. He 19 survived by hig widow, Mra.
Sophia Riatine; one son, Ifenry C. Ristinc of Seattle, one daughter, Miss Eleanor Ristine, nt home: two brothers, Dr. H. W. Riatine and Theodore Rigtine of this city.
and one Hister, Mrs. W. D. Frazer of Warsaw, Ind. WOMAN, 101 YEARS OLD, ILL.
COLUMBUS, Jan. Marguret Clark, 101 years old, wife of Benjamin E. Clark, la Herlously Ill at her home In East Columbus. She was able to do all of her house work until a short time ago. Mra, Clark has been twice married.
She stated that when she married her present husband, who is 76 yours old, she "took 8 hoy to raise." She has a daughter, who Is only twenty years her junior. Mrs. Clark is aL native of Ohio. SOUTH BEND BANKS MERGE. SOUTH BEND, Jan.
South Bend National Bank and the Citizen9 National Bank, with total resources of $900,000, mine merged today. In the directorate of new organization will be leading citizens nt South Bend. Clement Studebaker 19 to be clected president. "BOOTLEGGER" SENTENCED. NEWCASTLE, Jan.
-Robert Staton, colored. ot Indianapolla, who was Arreated Dunreith last Saturday after the nutomoblle he WAR driving. louded forty quarts ol whisky, "broke down. pended gulity to violating the liquor inw and Aned $100 today and sentenced to thirty dayr in Jail by Judge Cause. Staton WAN promised the minimum fine when he cave the aberin and a United States dep.
uty marshal written statement Impiteating Indianapolis men In the care. He declared that he was hired to RO to ton. 0.. to get the whinky and that the money was supplied by an Indianapolis man. The car waR owned by Carl Karstadt, an Indianapolla busineas man.
Arthur Baker, colored, arrested in the PATIO han not been tried as officials belleve that he was merely A passenger In the car. POISON FATAL TO CHILD. FRANKFORT. Jan. A bottle containing polson for sweet oft, Mrs.
Percy Swinford. wife dose of 18 farmer noith of the elty. 10 her daughter Dorris. who died HOON afterward. Two Big Specials Offered During Our Spring Dating Sale We Will Date Your Invoice, April Ist 3- Piece Cane Davenport Suite, Queen Anne design, mahogany finish, upholstered'1 in mulberry or oriontal blue velour, Persian de sign, full spring construction.
Davenport has unusual deop seat-hoight of sent 16 inches--depth 27 7 Inches, length 5 feet 2 inches. The davenport, chair and rocker for truly wonderful value. April 1st dating or terms of $10.00 per month. Oilar-Made Davenport. $87.50 This davenport is built In our workroom, in good grado vorduro tapestry.
Has loose spring cushion. Length 84 inches; depth 34 inches; height of back 34 inches. Spocial prico $87.50. April 1st dating or terms $10.00 per month. Banner Furniture Co.
Succeeding Oilar-Banner Furniture Co. Main 3262. 31-35 South Meridian Street JOIN W. ILARTONG Auto. 28-032.
Manager. State Briefs. ANDERSON-LIeut. Carlos with Harrison, Army former of Anderson Occupation reporter. in Germany, writer that ho has been made provost marshal B.
F. a German village. 'chaplain of the 130th The Rev. Regiment, gave an Interesting lecture Blake to the Gwinn. Rotary son of Club Percy Tucadny.
Gwinn. 'adiniited that ha struck WAR and driving seriously Injured Herschel the automobile which Grant Monday wash evening. Grunt in Ing. The hoy not arrested. ROCHESTER--Two County hundred were women guests war workers of Tuasday at a banquet given in their of honor a in dounty thin war city.
history Plans were for the advanced. ere HINGTON- Re I. southbound Hallway jumped passen: ger the train truck Monday one North of Worthington. Tho over. conl The tender engine, and one one baggage car And two pArRenger conches car turned left the track.
About 115 feet of track WAS torn up. No one was hurt. WINCHESTER-'The Inree stock af whirky and beer Tall already in war the replenlahed basem*nt the County here bountifully went Monday to Buena night. Vista, when alx Sheriff inlies Davisson southwest of here, and brought hie in found mixty In gallons a machine which had' stuck in the Inurl of the beverage, which at the toad aide. He also brought Muncie in with Patrick Duffy, A former loon keeper, and a man giving the name of Cash Brown.
The Clay County Better Farming Association will Thursday hold A when meeting at the Court House pral bills before the Stato wIll be discussed. FRANKFORT-MaJ. of the 41. 113th Chittick of this city, In command ritt. N.
1R now home on short leave of tary Train, stationed At Camp Merabsence. Staj. Chittick arrived from overBeAM A few days ago. $15.000 "reduction" plant has been moved from to a point one Ind. inlia The north of this city Lebanon, Incorporatora Indianapolls: W.
Include 1. Rankin. P. A. Hi G.
Goodman. and (. H. Wolf. Cincinnati.
J. F. Schumann of editor this of city the has Frankfort (Ind.) his position Crecent. 11 8 and has taken position an business mecretary of tho Y. M.
C. A. at the The Municipal P. Pler Howells in Chicago. Controlla, hAR accepted the pastorato of the First Baptist Church of this city.
Mattingly, former president of the Plymouth stute Bank and largest today tax- at payer in Marshall County, died had Nashville, where ha gone for health. He was 73 years old. Au Auto-Intoxication EXPLAINED BY SAMUEL HAMILTON, M. D. A French physiologist described man 88 "digestive tube with arrangements for locomotion and guidance." It is commonly said that most people "dig their graves with their teeth." The disastrous effects of constipation have always been well known.
It is easily understood how serious are the troubles which are caused by stagnation of decayed matter in the large intestines--this is called auto-intoxication. It is apparent, therefore, that the first necessity is to cleanse the intestines thoroughly. The best method for cleansing the whole intestinal tract and urging the liver into activity is to take as much outdoor exercise as possible, drink hot water before meals, and take a pleasant laxative, vegetable pill occasionally. Such a one is made up of May-apple, leaves of loc, root of jalap; made into a sugar-coated pill that gives tone to the bowels. druggists This WAS first made and sold nearly fifty years ago, 48.
Dr. Plerco's. Pleasant Pelleta. The cost is twenty prevent cents. Such simple means auto-intoxication.
People are realizing that the kidneys, Just as do the bowels, to bo flushed occasionally. The need kidneys are an eliminative organ and constantly working. separating the poisons from the blood. Uric acid backs up into the system, causing rheumatism, neuralgia, dropsy and many other serious disturbances. This can be avoided by Increased action, and because of its tonic ofstimulating the kidneys to fect on these organs I would advise any to get Anuric (double strength), which is to be had nowadays for sixty cents, at almost any drug store, and take it three times a Also drink hot water: before meals.
SELF-DEFENSE IS PLEA OF KITCHEN AT MUNCIE MUNCIE, Jan. submitted today in tho trial hero of Albert Kitchen, charged with tho murder of his former son-In-law, Ernest Lee Sutton, corroborated the contention of the defendant's attorney that the man ho killed always went armed with a revolvor and knife and had frequently threatened Hutton was aliot to death here in front of the Kitchen liomo Oct. 27 last, when he went there and attempted to forco his attention upon his former wife. Mra. Sutton today told how her htigband had abused hor and said his nctiona compelled her father to leave their home when he came there to live following the death of his wito about years ngo.
Statements of the defondant's daughter wore borne out by the tosthirony her brother, hom*or Kitchon. Kitchen Is contending that ho shot in seif-defonse. Sutton wag employed at Peru Ag a car Inspector. PEACE DELEGATES CHOSEN. RICHMOND, Jan.
followIng were chosen county sioners today to raprement Wayne County at the Great conforenco: of tho to Enforco Peace: William DudIny Foulke, Rudolph a. Leeda, F. 8, Dodd, J. IT. Mills and Carl Ullman.
HICCOUGHS FOR FOUR DAYS. ROCHESTER, Jan. Fulkorron of this city is In a serious dition ax a reault of hiccoughing for four daSH. It is belleved, howover, that tho troublo 1x being gradually overcome. The Hazard of Gas Failure We have explained why, In sonio extremo cases, it has become necessary to reduce gas pressuro.
Without such reduction, g88 would have continued to go out until the SHORTAGE becamo 8 total Why Is It So Serious to Have Gas Give Out Altogether? Your electric lights may go out and come on again, and no harm la done. Water may not come from your faucet some time, but a fow minutes later you may all you want. The streot cars may stop running for a short time on account of a fro or an accident, and then resume as if nothing had happened. BUT GAS IS DIFFERENT. If tho supply actually gives out for 8 moment, it can not be ronowed for days or oven weeks.
If g88 doos not completely All the mains air will rush in. When the gas actually gives out many gas burners will be left open, just as your eloctric burners aro allowed to remain switched on when the lights go out for a short time. two Im. After the mains are emptied of gas and filed with air, portant things must ho done before service can be resumed: 1. The alr toust be gotten out of the mains.
The gas must bo admitted slowly and provision must be made for the escupe of air Ho that tho gas can push it out. Gas and air must not be allowed to mix in the pipes. Such a mixture is explosive and would cause catastrophe if It occurred on a large scale. Ample provision must bo made for bleeding the air as It is pushed forward by the gas, and then the gas which' has been contaminated by tho air, and tho mains must be completely filled with gas again. 2.
All open burners consumers' premises must be closed before gas can be turned on again. To attompt to bleed the air and contaminated gas from the mains through consumera' burners. would surely result in an awful loss of life and property. All of those burners would first have to be closed and thon, after the mains were again filled they would have to bo opened to bleed the air and contaminated gas from the house lines before sorvice could be resumed. THINK WHAT THIS MEANS! There are about 400,000 gas burners in Indianapolis.
-Warnings through the nowspapers could not make sure that all would be closed. How long would it take, employes of the Gas Company to visit over 60,000 0 0 000 places and make an inspection of from five to twenty burners at each place? There are 622 miles of gas mains in Indianapolls. How long would it take employes shout Gas Company to go over. these mains, section by section, letting the air and letting in the gas? how long calls for would help it take from employes thousands of of the Gas homes to Company get the to air respond out of to the house pipes so that gas would burn again? The task would be appalling. If done well, it would take months.
It hastened in order to shorten the period of distress the danger would be greatly increased. The gas business is a hazardous business, and no pains are too great to be taken it they can duce the hazard. Since the Gas Company first turned gas Into the mains, there has never been an instant when the supply has failed. The supply has sometimes been short and the pressure has sometimes been 80 low that the service was very unsatifactory, but there has always been gas there, keeping the pipes filled. During the flood of 1913 a small section on the lines of the Indianapolis Gas Com.
pany cut off, but the task of restoration was alight as comwas pared with that for a whole city. THE GAS SUPPLY MUST NEVER BE ALLOWED TO FAIL. The Inconveniences of insumcient pressure are to deplored, but if the supply can not be kept up to the demand these ventences are slight as compared with the sufferings and dangers of a complete failure due to emptying the mains. The fremen who deluge property to keep a fire from taking it are not pleasant visitors, but who would try to stop them? A little reflection will convince one that, when the supply of gas is Inadequate the Gas Company renders the community the greatest possible servico by reducing pressure until the emergency is over. CITIZENS GAS COMPANY.