Moline-East Molinc, ilL THE DAILY DISPATCH: TUESDAY EVENING, JULY. 18, 1950. Bingo Back Again; Claim Operators Seeking New Trial Medics Carry Rifles; Erase Red Crosses Nehru Goes Aliead with Peace Plans MOSCOW (U.R) India went ahead, with Soviet Premier Josef Stalin's approval, today, to to bring about a peaceful settlement of the Korean war in the security council. First step, both Indian Premier Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Stalin agreed, was to get Communist China into the United Nations. The official Soviet news agency Tass released the texts of notes exchanged by Nehru and Stalin and they were published in a4-column spread on the front page of the official newspaper Pravda.
The latest of the notes, sent by Nehru to Stalin July 16 said: "I am most grateful for your excellency's prompt and encouraging reply. I am forthwith contacting other governments concerned and hope I will soon be able again to address your excellency." The promptness of the exchange three notes within three days caused much comment in diplomatic circles. Confers with Britain Diplomats also noted that Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko invited British Ambassador Sir David Kelly to the Kremlin last night to discuss the Korean war. It was Kelly's fourth visit to the foreign ministry since the outbreak of the Korean hostilities. Kelly said he probably would call on Gromyko again after receiving fresh instructions from.
London. A foreign office spokesman in London said Saturday that Britain would not take the initiative Police Chase Man Who Chased Motorist; Will Face, Hearing in Court ROCK ISLAND The hearing of Stanley Anderson, 32, of 1504 5H avenue. Rock Island, charged with exceeding the speed limit and ignoring a red traffic signal, was continued this morning in Rock Island -police court to July 28. Bond was set at $200. Anderson was arrested at 3:15 this morning after he allegedly chased another motorist and he himself was pursued by two patrolmen who "borrowed" a car for the pursuit.
William Hightower, who gave his address as 1227 Twenty-first street. Rock Island, told police Anderson backed into his car at Twentieth street and Third avenue. Hightower claimed Anderson then started to chase his car and attempted to wreck the Hightower vehicle. Hightower drove to the police station. Patrolmen Charles Green and Earl E.
Thompson, walking in the downtown area, said they saw the alleged chase and "borrowed" a car to chase Anderson. They said they found Anderson parked in his car around the corner from the police station. John A. Collins, 27, of 2009 Thirty-second street, Rock Island, arrested in an electric speed check this morning, was fined $5 in court. LeRoy A.
Carvey, 26, of 6 Shore Acres, Rock Island, also charged with speeding, was fined $5. in efforts to get Communist China into the U.N. because of the Korean war, but this did not preclude her participation in negotiations toward that end. Ticks are among the most difficult tq control of all livestock pests. ROCK ISLAND Reports of return of bingo games to Rock Island after a lapse of three months are being investigated today by county and city authorities who point "out a county court jury April 13 declared modified forms of bingo, then played in the city, to be gambling.
An alleged bingo game at the Playmore Social club. 1714 Fifth avenue. Rock Island, terminated last night before two members of the Rock Island police department arrived to investigate the activity. Reports also have been received two other bingo establishments reopened this week in the city. The Rock Island Social club.
109Vj Eighteenth street, was found guilty last April of operating a gambling house and was fined S100 by County Judge Edward J. Turnbaugh. Commenting today on reports of the return of bingo, State's Atty. Bernard J. Moran asserted: "Operators of the establishments apparently are trying to get pinched so they can have another jury trial.
They apparently don't believe there are 24 people in the county who believe bingo is gambling even though 12 shared this opinion in April." Atty. Herman H. Rimmerman, who represented the Rock Island Social club. in the April trial and two horn a reporter was referred by Emil Selhost, an official of the Playmore Social club. was asked the intent of the alleged bingo return.
To the question, "Are you seeking a test case?" he replied, "All I can say is what I heard on the radio. Moran says we are." Attorney Rimmerman said he Ld 'Or- The Builder's Department Store LARGER LOADS OF BAGGAGE are now being handled at Quad-City airport since the United Airlines have acquired the use of the lift shown in the above photo loading cargo into the Mainliner Moline. The hydraulic lift can be raised to the cargo doors on all DC-3s and DC-6s. Dick Schroeder, United representative at the airport, shown standing on the lift, estimated that the airline has doubled its usual baggage load, from the airport in the last month since the machine has been used. (Dispatch Photo) MUELLER'S I i i DOn GOD rF-r-i D0U mm fl ifi SI uu lJ DDJ isn't representing anybody becaus no arrests have been made.
Asked if regular bingo or the modified form with donation boxes was played at the Playmore Social club last night, he replied, "I don't even know if they were playing bingo." Receviing a complaint on the alleged bingo game at the Playmore Social club last night, State's Attorqev Moran attempted to contact Police Chief Claus C. Miller. The state's attorney said he was unable to contact the chief at the Rock Island armory until shortly before 10. Prior to that time, however, a group of women left the Playmore Social club. Mr.
Selhost was picking up cards and corn in the club at 10. He said he had seen no police in the building. He declined to comment on what type of bingo, if any, had been played. Asked if there would be more games, he replied, "I can't say. This may be the last game and it may not." He referred other questions to Attorney Rimmerman, but added, "Why do you reporters keep bothering us? When we donated use of the building as a dormitory for 150 delegates to the F.
W. con-ve: tion earlier this summer there were no reporters around at that time," he added. Moran today assorted "there no doubt will be more games played until there is an arrest." "Of course," he added, "as it stands now we do not know whether any gambling took place. It now is a matter of getting proper evidence, such as having someone sit in on several games to see how it is done." Chief Miller today said his department will check to determine how the games are played. "If there is gambling, naturally there will be arrests made," he asserted.
Dispatch Want Ads bring results. Mouldings WHITE PINE BOARDS A good grade of general utility boards, sizes from to 12" in standard lengths. "71 lin. ft 2C FIR FLOORING For porches and interior floors, kiln dried fir flooring if easy to apply. Tongue and grooved.
3" fate, lin. ft. OLm. EBBS I 2to oj i iLJi AT TAEJON FRONT (U.R) There are no Red Crosses in the Korean war. They give the Communists a better target to shoot at.
The medics carry rifles for their own protection. The wounded often are evacuated by tank. Mercy Is just about unknown. The percentage of casualties among doctors and corpsmen has equalled that among combat troops and in many cases is higher. The enemy expects no quarter and gives none.
The Americans entered the Korean war with polished bright crosses on their ambulances and flags flying from their litter jeeps. The corpsmen who attended the wounded wore arm bands and carried no weapons. "What a bunch of innocents we were!" Pfc. Edward Wilson, Chico, said today. For today there is no front line medic who has not been under fire at one time or another trying to bandage wounds and evacuate the injured.
Several collecting stations have been over-run and the wounded murdered. At least two doctors have been killed while tending wounded at front line hospitals. Sgt. Roy Stewart, Chester, 111., said the first thing the medics did was to paint out Red Cross insignia. "We tried leaving some on the for aid identification," he said.
"But that just drew more fire. So we painted them out too." Capt. Donald L. Duerk of Free-port, N.Y., a medical officer, said his medical company was "shot to pieces" by the Communists. Wait for Loading' "Handling the wounded has been a terrible problem," he said.
"The infiltrating enemy have no respect for the Red Cross and often seem to wait until we get our load of wounded aboard before they attack us. "The real heroes of the war are the litter jeep drivers and corps-men who drive through enemy roadblocks and fighting areas to bring out wounded. "Never once have they refused a call, even though it often meant risking death and injury. Many times it has been necessary for us to load our wounded into tanks to get them through the enemy roadblocks to safety." JOSLIN MRS. ED L.
SAND. Correspondent JOSLIN Mr. and Mrs. James Lathrop of Peoria were visitors Saturday of his parents the Rev. and Mrs.
Lathrop. Fritz Wainwright of Illinois City Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. R.
Wainwright Karen Ann Bodeen is spending two weeks in Peoria with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Brien. Stop Scratching, Start Soothing SKIN IRRITATION with Rpainol. Starta at onrr to qnict ch.
eomfort and relirrc raw Irritation of exrmm, raahm, chapping, chafing and externally-caused ptmplea. Helpa apeed op healing. Buy, try Rrainol Ointment today. MASTER tv- HOW Y00 CAN AFFORD THEM) With new auper-aafoty Roy-) alrex trd With op to 60 more aaft mile With full lifetime guarantee With emrluiiT "nigh-speed, low preura deaien With hwerf mA mj7ee coer in hiitory SPECIAL CREDIT TERMS Get yoT let of U. S.
Royals today! Easy, convenient pay- tneot terms! 1 H. ij.jimiiijiii innii f. MMwtjWCT'w'wa brf fer 2k I Doors Windows Frames Screens Storm Sash Priest places his stole around neck of ill girl as he prays for her. Think Texan to Head Lions International CHICAGO (U.R) A tall Texan, Attorney Herbert C. Petry Jr.
of Carrizo Springs, was a top candidate for president of the Lions International today after fellow Tex-ans put on a mammoth show in his behalf. Nearly 25,000 Lions and their families applauded Texas yells and blank-cartridge explosions during a 22-act program of vaudeville and other entertainment in Chicago stadium last night. Fellow Lions at the 33d annual convention here considered Petry's election almost assured after the extensive campaigning by his supporters. MOLINE DAILY DISPATCH Established 1878 Published every afternoon except Sunday by the Moline Dispatch Publishing Co. 1720 Fifth avenue.
Moline, 111. Entered as second class matter at the Moline postofflre underthe act of March 3. 1879. Mall rates: Illinois and 6oone year; $5.50 six months: $3 three months: $1 25 one month. All other states $12.50 one year: $6.25 six months; $3.25 three month: $1 35 one month.
V. t. KOTAl A MBV a am Mueller's have a large stock of doors, windows, screens, in many styles and many sizes in their own warehouse for immediate delivery. Special design or special sizes can be made up for you in Mueller's own millwork factory. Whether you need one door or a whole screen porch have a man from Mueller's stop out to measure the size you need and tell you the cost.
Call Mueller's tomorrow for the finest in millwork. 111 1 11 Another girl is brought forward to touch statue of St Valentino. EXIIORCISM, a Roman Catholic ritual as old as the church itself, is still practiced in a small town on the outskirts of Florence, Italy. The object of the dramatic ceremony Is to relieve a person thought to be possessed of evil spirits through various prayers and application of relics of the saints. These unusual photographs were taken in the church of St.
Valentino. (International) dp HARDWOOD PANE LING Beautiful plywoods make a luxurious looking wood paneled room. Many kinds to choose from. Mahogany OQ plywood. Sq.
ft. FIBRE ALL BOARD Easy and quick to use in remodeling and very inexpensive. Can be painted. 4'x8' sheet, CI 3-16M thick. ylilW TERMS Second and Scott Phone ji inn I ill" Jf'nSMfi! I WM I TILE WALL BOARD Choice of many colors that are baked on at the factory.
No painting needed, 4" tile or plain pattern. 512.16 CEILING TILLS) Can be femed to smooth surface or nailed to burring strips. Gives beautiful effect. I I ft tiles, each Ill ASPHALT SHINGLES Long lasting Flintkote or Johns-Man-ville shingles can be put right over old roof, 3 in 1 thick butt, 3 bundles, CC Qfl 100 sq. ft $0.3 EASY Hi bit 9S aw.
1 7 r. ROCK WOOL BATTS Firm well made batts vapor proof paper backed. Ideal for open ceiling work. 2-inch batts, sq. ft.
RIDE THE from FREE DELIVERY I REE ESTIMATES TRI-CITY JIM IiefataibsF Streets, Davenport 2-6251 LINES! 4 521 West Second Davenport 1 1 1 1 it 2300 Third Phone Avenue, Moline Moline 162 1111 Fifth Avenue, Moline 1 ml 1- -n A.